Anxiety refers to a state of the brain elicited by the anticipation of an imagined or real event or circumstance that is predicted to present danger. There are two main categories of anxiety: circumstantial anxiety and chronic anxiety.

This article focuses on circumstantial anxiety but for reasons of clarity, it’s important to know what chronic anxiety is. Symptoms of chronic anxiety come and go over a longer period of time compared to circumstantial anxiety symptoms. They can stay for months or even years.

What causes circumstantial anxiety?

Circumstantial anxiety results from highly stressful circumstances or emotions. In the current fast-paced world, many people unknowingly adopt rushed lifestyles and hold high expectations of instant gratification. Consequently, they are in a constant fight with stress and every time they manage one situation, stress emerges with a new face. Also, it is undeniably true that stress is inevitable for everyone.

Ways of coping with circumstantial anxiety

1. Exercise

Physically engaging the body helps both the body and the brain. It also helps to let out emotions of fear and anxiety. Physical exercise, ranging from a simple walk to an intensive workout takes the mind on a tour far away from the thoughts and emotions causing anxiety.

2. Avoiding alcohol and illegal drugs

A lot of people mistakenly run to drugs when they are stressed up. Little do they know that drugs increase anxiety even further and put them under the risk of panic attacks. It is important to stay away from alcohol and all illegal drugs.

3. Healthy eating

A balanced diet is very important for good health and critical during stressful situations. One should take all the three main meals and minimize the use of coffee, soda, and energy drinks.

4. Sharing the experience with someone

Talking to a close relative, friend, schoolmate, or counselor always helps to release the tension that comes with circumstantial anxiety. One should not let stress consume him/her to the verge of explosion.

5. Putting things in perspective

Sometimes a situation is not as bad as the person facing it may think. One can get stressed up by focusing too much on incomplete or inaccurate information. When symptoms of anxiety appear, one should analyze the situation and ask himself whether it is as difficult as he thinks.

6. Perfectionism is not ideal

By doing the best that one can, it is possible to build confidence and move closer to perfection but everyone should remember that no one can be 100% perfect. It is, therefore, crucial to be happy after every achievement made, however small it might be.

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